jueves, 19 de enero de 2012


 Life is time, not imaginary cosmic time, but time is running out, the real time, time irreparable. Because life is time the man is old. Age is to be as they say, to be young, mature or old.
This means that all · today · involves three different historical times, three · Today · different, which stuck living with each other, and, perforce, to be different, essential hostility.
So, that being three different ways of life have to be the same · Today ¨, says the drama, the conflict that is precisely the background of the historical material.
We must distinguish between ° coetaneity history ¨ and ¨ contemporary ¨. ¨ All contemporary Us · ¨, live in the same chronological time. Only match peers the ¨ ¨.Contemporaries are not peers. They live three different life times. If all peers contemporary history were stagnant stop, petrefacta, without any possibility of innovation.
The whole peers are those who are a generation. The concept of generation implies, have the same · Age ¨ and have a vital concept. Historical age. The story needs a peculiar accuracy and when you want to replace that with this one falls into errors. The concept of ¨ old ¨ no mathematics, but is vital substance. Age is an attitude to life, within the zone of dates a ¨ ¨.
The historical age is a life with a beginning and an end. Are the same age, historically, not just those born in the same year, but those born within a zone of dates. The world lives in a world of beliefs common to all living a certain time. This reality, as the man is with the body and meets the ideas of his time and they must live.
When it changes, it changes the argument of individual life. We'll have to force the ¨ world ¨, is the primary factor in history, which changes with every generation. The generations are changing the world and this individual man. Generations, but a controversial life of each generation is fighting with the previous one. The controversy has in the character sequence history, discipleship, collaboration and extension of the previous generation by subsequent.
Each generation represents a non-transferable and irreparable piece of historical time, but empalpa and presents sequence with the others. the present in which we live, because on it gravitate the others present, all other generations. But being as has been our life is such that, the past is present, we are your summary. Our present is done with the matter of that beyond which past, so it is today.

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